With the rise of mobile technology, coffee shops are now leveraging mobile apps to enhance the customer experience. By allowing customers to place orders, make payments, and earn rewards all from the convenience of their mobile device, coffee shops are revolutionizing the way customers interact with their brand. In this article, we will explore how mobile apps are transforming the coffee shop industry and what benefits they bring to both businesses and customers.

Agile Development Process using User Stories

The process for capturing requirements and identifying user stories involves several steps:

  1. Problem statement: Identify the problem that the IT system is intended to solve or improve, such as improving customer service or inventory management.
  2. Stakeholder interviews: Conduct interviews with stakeholders, such as cashiers, baristas, managers, and customers, to gather input and feedback on what they need and want from the IT system.
  3. Brainstorming and prioritization: Based on the input from stakeholders, brainstorm a list of potential features or requirements for the IT system. Prioritize these features using a framework such as MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have).
  4. User story creation: For each prioritized feature, create a user story that describes the functionality or behavior that the user expects from the IT system.
  5. Refinement: Review and refine the user stories to ensure they are clear, concise, and focused on the user’s needs.

Identifying user stories and prioritizing them is beneficial for several reasons. First, it helps ensure that the IT system is designed and developed with the user’s needs and goals in mind. This can lead to higher user adoption rates and increased customer satisfaction. Second, prioritizing user stories helps the development team focus on the most important and valuable features first, which can speed up the development process and reduce the risk of delays or cost overruns. Finally, prioritization allows stakeholders to make informed decisions about which features to implement based on their impact on the business and the users.

Overall, identifying and prioritizing user stories is an essential step in the Agile development process. It helps ensure that the IT system meets the needs of the users and the business, and allows for more efficient and effective development.

Problem Description

The coffee shop has been using a point-of-sale (POS) system for several years, but recently they’ve been experiencing problems with it. The system is slow and unresponsive, causing long lines and frustrated customers. The employees have also been struggling with the system, as it often freezes or crashes, leading to incorrect orders and lost sales.

To make matters worse, the coffee shop has recently expanded and opened a second location. The POS system at the new location is completely different from the one at the original location, causing confusion and delays for both customers and employees. There’s also no easy way to track inventory and sales across both locations, making it difficult to manage supplies and plan for growth.

The coffee shop owner is worried about the impact these problems are having on the business. Customers are complaining and some are even choosing to go to competitors instead. The owner knows that something needs to be done to improve the IT system and keep the business running smoothly. However, they’re not sure where to start or how to find a solution that will work for both locations.

How to Identify User Stories from Requirements

To identify user stories from problem descriptions or stakeholders, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start by understanding the problem or the need of the stakeholders. What is the primary issue they are facing or what do they need the IT system to accomplish?
  2. Identify the primary users or personas that will be interacting with the IT system. This will help you to determine the specific features and functionalities required for the system.
  3. Work with the stakeholders to break down the problem or need into smaller components. Ask questions such as “What specific tasks does the user need to accomplish?” or “What information does the user need to access?”
  4. Write each component as a user story in a concise and clear format, using the “As a [user], I want [goal] so that [reason]” structure. For example, “As a customer, I want to be able to place an order online so that I can skip the line and save time.”
  5. Prioritize the user stories based on their value to the stakeholders and their impact on the system. This will help you to determine which user stories should be implemented first.

By following these steps, you can identify user stories that accurately reflect the needs and goals of the stakeholders, and that can guide the development of the IT system in an agile and effective manner.

Identify User Stories

Here are some user stories for the coffee shop IT system:

  1. As a cashier, I want the POS system to be fast and responsive so that I can quickly process orders and serve customers without long wait times.
  2. As a manager, I want to be able to track inventory levels in real-time so that I can order supplies before we run out and avoid stockouts.
  3. As a barista, I want the POS system to be intuitive and easy to use so that I can accurately enter drink orders and avoid mistakes.
  4. As a customer, I want to be able to place orders and pay using my mobile phone so that I can avoid long lines and save time.
  5. As a manager, I want to be able to generate sales reports and track revenue across both locations so that I can identify trends and make informed business decisions.
  6. As a cashier, I want the POS system to be able to handle complex orders with multiple customizations so that I can accurately enter customer requests.
  7. As a customer, I want to be able to earn loyalty points and redeem rewards through the coffee shop’s mobile app so that I can earn discounts and free items.
  8. As a manager, I want the IT system to be scalable so that we can easily add new locations and expand the business without having to completely overhaul the system.
  9. As a barista, I want to be able to view detailed drink recipes and preparation instructions through the POS system so that I can make drinks consistently and to the customer’s specifications.
  10. As a customer, I want to be able to view the menu and see nutrition information for each item so that I can make informed choices about what to order.

How to prioritize a list of use stories

To prioritize a list of user stories, you can use a technique called “MoSCoW prioritization”. This involves categorizing each user story into one of four categories: Must have, Should have, Could have, and Won’t have.

Here’s a brief overview of each category:

How to Prioritize Product Backlog Using MoSCoW Method

  • Must have: These are critical user stories that must be implemented in order for the system to function. They represent essential functionality and cannot be postponed or removed from the scope of the project.
  • Should have: These are important user stories that should be included in the system, but are not essential for the system to function. They can be postponed or removed if necessary, but only if the impact on the project is minimal.
  • Could have: These are desirable user stories that would be nice to have, but are not critical to the success of the system. They can be postponed or removed without significant impact on the project.
  • Won’t have: These are user stories that are not within the scope of the current project, or that have been deprioritized for other reasons. They may be considered for future projects, but will not be included in the current iteration.

To prioritize a list of user stories using MoSCoW prioritization, you can:

  1. Review each user story and assign it to one of the four categories (Must have, Should have, Could have, or Won’t have) based on its importance and impact on the system.
  2. Ensure that all stakeholders have agreed on the prioritization and understand the rationale behind each category.
  3. Focus on implementing the Must have user stories first, followed by the Should have stories. Could have user stories can be considered if time and resources permit, while Won’t have user stories can be removed from the project entirely.

By using MoSCoW prioritization, you can ensure that the most critical user stories are addressed first, while allowing for flexibility and adjustment based on the project’s timeline and resources.


Here is a table prioritizing the user stories using the MoSCoW prioritization approach:

User Story Size Priority Brief Description Value
1 Medium Must have Fast and responsive POS system for cashiers Improves customer service by reducing wait times
2 Large Must have Real-time inventory tracking for managers Prevents stockouts and improves inventory management
3 Small Should have Intuitive POS system for baristas Reduces errors and improves order accuracy
4 Medium Could have Mobile ordering and payment for customers Increases customer convenience and satisfaction
5 Large Should have Sales reports and revenue tracking for managers Helps identify trends and make informed business decisions
6 Small Could have POS system able to handle complex orders Improves order accuracy and customer satisfaction
7 Medium Could have Mobile loyalty points and rewards for customers Increases customer loyalty and repeat business
8 Large Won’t have Scalability of the IT system Not currently necessary for the business’s needs
9 Small Won’t have Detailed drink recipes and preparation instructions for baristas Not a critical need for the business’s current operations
10 Small Won’t have Menu and nutrition information for customers Not a critical need for the business’s current operations

Note that the prioritization may vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the coffee shop.

Elaborate A user Story

User Story: As a customer, I want to be able to place an order through the coffee shop’s mobile app so that I can avoid long lines and wait times.

1. Define the scope: The scope of this user story is to enable customers to place orders using the coffee shop’s mobile app, with the goal of reducing wait times and improving the customer experience. The app should allow customers to browse the menu, select items, customize their orders, and pay for their purchases.

2. Break down the tasks:

  • Develop the mobile app interface for customers
  • Integrate the mobile app with the coffee shop’s POS system
  • Implement a menu browsing feature in the app
  • Implement an order customization feature in the app
  • Implement a payment feature in the app
  • Test the app thoroughly to ensure its functionality and usability

3. Estimate effort:

  • Develop the mobile app interface for customers: 2 days
  • Integrate the mobile app with the coffee shop’s POS system: 3 days
  • Implement a menu browsing feature in the app: 1 day
  • Implement an order customization feature in the app: 2 days
  • Implement a payment feature in the app: 3 days
  • Test the app thoroughly to ensure its functionality and usability: 5 days

4. Assign roles and responsibilities:

  • UI/UX Designer: Develop the mobile app interface for customers
  • Front-end Developer: Implement the menu browsing and order customization features in the app
  • Back-end Developer: Integrate the mobile app with the coffee shop’s POS system and implement the payment feature in the app
  • Quality Assurance Engineer: Test the app thoroughly to ensure its functionality and usability

5. Create a plan:

  • Week 1: Develop the mobile app interface for customers, implement the menu browsing feature in the app
  • Week 2: Integrate the mobile app with the coffee shop’s POS system, implement the order customization feature in the app
  • Week 3: Implement the payment feature in the app, test the app thoroughly
  • Week 4: Finalize testing and launch the mobile app

6. Review progress: The team will hold daily stand-up meetings to review progress, identify any issues or obstacles, and make adjustments as needed. At the end of each week, the team will hold a retrospective to reflect on the progress made, evaluate the effectiveness of the plan, and make any necessary adjustments to ensure the successful completion of the user story.

Make a Implementation Plan based on the Step-by-Step Guide

here’s an implementation plan in a table form based on the first user story:

Task Description Assigned To Estimated Effort Start Date End Date
Develop mobile app interface Design and develop the mobile app interface for customers UI/UX Designer 2 days Week 1, Day 1 Week 1, Day 2
Implement menu browsing feature Implement a feature in the app that allows customers to browse the menu Front-end Developer 1 day Week 1, Day 3 Week 1, Day 3
Integrate mobile app with POS system Connect the mobile app with the coffee shop’s POS system Back-end Developer 3 days Week 2, Day 1 Week 2, Day 3
Implement order customization feature Implement a feature in the app that allows customers to customize their orders Front-end Developer 2 days Week 2, Day 4 Week 2, Day 5
Implement payment feature Implement a feature in the app that allows customers to pay for their orders Back-end Developer 3 days Week 3, Day 1 Week 3, Day 3
Test app functionality and usability Conduct thorough testing of the app to ensure it functions as intended and is user-friendly Quality Assurance Engineer 5 days Week 3, Day 4 Week 4, Day 2
Finalize testing and launch Finalize testing, address any issues found, and launch the mobile app Team Week 4, Day 3 Week 4, Day 5

Note: The start and end dates are just an example and can be adjusted based on the team’s specific timeline and availability.


This article provides an overview of the Agile development process, specifically focusing on the importance of capturing requirements and identifying user stories. It explains the steps involved in identifying user stories, including problem statement, stakeholder interviews, brainstorming, prioritization, and user story creation.

Additionally, the article emphasizes the benefits of identifying and prioritizing user stories, such as improving user adoption and satisfaction, speeding up development, and making informed decisions about which features to implement. Overall, the article highlights the importance of user-centric design and prioritization in Agile development to ensure successful outcomes.


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