A principle is a general statement that guides and constrains the decision-making and behavior of an organization or enterprise. It reflects the organization’s values, goals, and priorities, and helps to ensure that all decisions and actions are aligned with its vision and mission.

Enterprise principles provide a high-level set of guidelines for designing and implementing enterprise solutions. These principles help to ensure that all solutions align with the organization’s goals, strategy, and values, while also facilitating consistency and interoperability across different architecture domains. Developing effective architecture principles requires a deep understanding of the organization’s needs, objectives, and operating environment.

Enterprise Principles vs Architecture Principles

Enterprise Principles are overarching principles that guide decision-making throughout the entire organization, while Architecture Principles are specific to the design and implementation of the enterprise architecture.

  • Enterprise Principles are typically established by senior leadership and reflect the organization’s overall values, goals, and priorities. These principles help to ensure that all decisions and actions are aligned with the organization’s mission and strategic objectives. Examples of Enterprise Principles may include statements such as “We prioritize the needs of our customers” or “We value diversity and inclusion in our workforce.”
  • Architecture Principles, on the other hand, are specific to the design and implementation of the enterprise architecture. These principles guide the development of the enterprise architecture and ensure that it meets the organization’s strategic objectives and business requirements. Examples of Architecture Principles may include statements such as “We design for flexibility and adaptability” or “We use industry standards and best practices in our architecture decisions.”

An enterprise principle is typical for sets of principles to form a hierarchical structure, whereby segment principles are informed by and expand upon the principles established at the enterprise level. In addition, Architecture Principles are guided and constrained by the overarching enterprise principles. Thus, architecture Principles may reiterate and interpret enterprise guidance in a manner that effectively guides the development of enterprise architecture. This allows Architecture Principles to align with and support the organization’s strategic objectives while also addressing specific architectural requirements.

Both Enterprise and Architecture Principles are important for effective enterprise architecture governance and decision-making. They help to ensure that architecture decisions are aligned with the organization’s overall values and objectives, and that the enterprise architecture is flexible, adaptable, and able to meet changing business needs.

Example – Enterprise Principle

Real-Life Problem:

A large retail organization is struggling to leverage the vast amount of data it collects from its stores, online sales channels, and customer loyalty programs. The organization has no centralized approach to managing data, and different departments have their own systems and databases. As a result, there is a lot of duplicated effort and data inconsistencies across the organization. This is causing delays in decision-making and leading to missed opportunities for the organization.

Enterprise Principle:

“Data should be treated as a valuable asset.”

Business Principles:

Here’s an example of a set of business principles that could be derived based on the Enterprise Principle “Data should be treated as a valuable asset”:

  1. Data should be managed as a strategic asset to support business objectives.
  2. Data should be captured accurately and completely, and stored securely and confidentially.
  3. Data should be maintained and improved to ensure its quality, relevance, and usefulness.
  4. Data should be shared and used appropriately to support effective decision-making.
  5. Data should be governed by policies and procedures that ensure compliance with legal and ethical requirements.
  6. Data should be considered in all aspects of business planning, from strategy development to operational execution.
  7. Data should be aligned with business processes and systems to ensure consistency and reliability.
  8. Data should be accessible and usable by authorized personnel across the organization.
  9. Data should be regularly monitored and evaluated to identify opportunities for improvement.
  10. Data should be continuously leveraged to support innovation and competitive advantage.

These principles can guide the development of an effective data management framework and help organizations realize the full value of their data assets. By prioritizing the strategic management of data, organizations can improve decision-making, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth and profitability.

More Examples – Enterprise and Architecture Principles

Enterprise Principle:

“Security is a key business concern.”

Business Architecture Principles:

  1. Security risks and threats should be regularly assessed and managed to protect the organization’s assets and operations.
  2. Security policies and procedures should be established and enforced to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
  3. Security should be embedded into all aspects of business planning, from strategy development to operational execution.
  4. Security should be aligned with business objectives and priorities to support business continuity and resilience.

Application Architecture Principles:

  1. Applications should be designed with security in mind, incorporating appropriate security controls and measures.
  2. Applications should be regularly monitored and tested to identify and address security vulnerabilities.
  3. Application security should be integrated with enterprise security policies and procedures to ensure consistency and effectiveness.

Data Architecture Principles:

  1. Data should be classified and protected based on its sensitivity and criticality to the organization.
  2. Data should be stored and transmitted securely, using appropriate encryption and access controls.
  3. Data should be regularly backed up and stored in secure locations to ensure business continuity in the event of a security incident.

Technology Architecture Principles:

  1. Technologies should be selected and implemented based on their ability to support secure operations and protect against security threats.
  2. Security controls and measures should be integrated into the technology infrastructure to ensure consistent and effective security management.
  3. The technology infrastructure should be regularly monitored and updated to address emerging security threats and risks.

By prioritizing security as a key business concern, organizations can better protect themselves against cyber threats, data breaches, and other security incidents. The architecture principles outlined above can guide the development of a comprehensive and effective security strategy that spans the business, application, data, and technology domains.

TOGAF ADM Artifact – Principles catalog

The Principles catalog is a key component of the ADM process, as it provides a framework for evaluating and selecting solutions that are consistent with the organization’s values and objectives. Principles can be used to guide decision-making at all levels of the enterprise, from high-level strategic planning to tactical implementation details.

Examples of Business Principles may include statements such as “We prioritize customer satisfaction over short-term profits” or “We value innovation and creativity in our products and services.” Architecture Principles, on the other hand, may include statements such as “We strive for simplicity and modularity in our system designs” or “We follow industry standards and best practices in our technology choices.”

Name Data should be authoritative, consistent, and available.
Statement All data within the organization should have a single authoritative source, be consistent across all systems and platforms, and be available to authorized users when and where they need it.
Rationale Having authoritative, consistent, and available data enables informed decision-making, improves operational efficiency, and supports compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Consistent data also reduces errors and improves data quality, which in turn improves business processes and customer experiences.
Implications To adhere to this principle, the organization must establish clear data governance policies and procedures, invest in data management tools and technologies, and ensure that data is accessible and usable by authorized users across the organization. Data must be regularly monitored and evaluated to ensure its accuracy, consistency, and availability. The implementation of this principle may require significant resources, including investments in technology, training, and personnel. However, the benefits of having authoritative, consistent, and available data justify these costs.

More Example: Architecture Principle Using TOGAF ADM Template

Here are one more example for each of the four architectures:

Business Architecture Principle:

Name Customer experience is key to achieving business success.
Statement The organization should prioritize delivering an exceptional customer experience through all business processes and interactions.
Rationale A focus on customer experience leads to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention, which in turn drives revenue growth and profitability. By delivering a seamless and positive customer experience, the organization can differentiate itself from competitors and build a strong brand reputation.
Implications To adhere to this principle, the organization must prioritize customer-centricity in all aspects of its operations, from product development to customer service. Customer feedback must be regularly collected and analyzed to identify opportunities for improvement. Employee training and development programs should also prioritize customer service skills and knowledge.

Application Architecture Principle:

Name Applications should be modular and loosely coupled.
Statement Applications should be designed as a collection of independent modules that can be easily updated, replaced, or scaled as needed.
Rationale A modular and loosely coupled architecture enables agility, flexibility, and scalability in application development and maintenance. It also promotes reuse of existing code and reduces the risk of system failure or downtime.
Implications To adhere to this principle, the organization must prioritize the use of modern development frameworks, APIs, and microservices architecture. Application components must be developed and maintained independently, with clearly defined interfaces and dependencies. Changes to one module must not impact the functioning of other modules.

Data Architecture Principle:

Name Data should be secure, traceable, and auditable.
Statement All data within the organization should be secured against unauthorized access, traced to its source and usage, and audited for compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Rationale Securing and auditing data is critical to protecting the organization from cyber threats, data breaches, and other security incidents. Traceability of data usage helps ensure that data is used ethically and in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Implications To adhere to this principle, the organization must prioritize data security and implement appropriate access controls, encryption, and monitoring measures. Data must be traced to its source and usage through metadata management and tracking of data flows. Regular audits must be conducted to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Technology Architecture Principle:

Name Technology solutions should be cloud-first and scalable.
Statement The organization should prioritize the adoption of cloud-based technology solutions that can be easily scaled up or down as needed.
Rationale Cloud-based technology solutions offer flexibility, scalability, and cost savings compared to traditional on-premise solutions. They also offer access to a wide range of tools and services that can enhance business operations and improve customer experiences.
Implications To adhere to this principle, the organization must prioritize the adoption of cloud-based technology solutions where appropriate. The technology infrastructure must be designed to support cloud-based solutions and enable seamless integration with on-premise systems. The organization must also invest in appropriate training and development programs to ensure that employees are equipped with the necessary skills to work with cloud-based solutions.



This article discussed the importance of architecture principles in achieving enterprise success and provided examples of principles for each of the four architecture domains: business, application, data, and technology. We also outlined a template for developing effective architecture principles, emphasizing the need for clear and concise statements that are aligned with the organization’s strategic goals and values. By following this template, organizations can develop architecture principles that promote agility, flexibility, and scalability, while also ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

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