Developing enterprise architecture (EA) projects requires a clear understanding of the different types of architectures needed to satisfy varied stakeholder requirements at various organizational levels. Each architecture does not function in isolation; rather, it exists within a governance hierarchy. Broad architectures provide overarching direction for more specific, detailed architectures.

To effectively develop these architectures, organizations can utilize the Architecture Development Method (ADM) in two primary strategies: iterating within a single ADM cycle or employing a hierarchy of concurrent ADM processes. This article outlines these strategies and offers guidance on implementing them.

1. Developing Architectures Through Iterations Within a Single ADM Cycle


This strategy involves iterating through the ADM phases to develop architectures at different levels within the same cycle. By revisiting the phases, architects can refine and adjust their work based on feedback and evolving insights.

Steps to Implement

  1. Identify Stakeholder Needs: Engage with stakeholders to understand their requirements and expectations for both broad and detailed architectures.
  2. Establish a Baseline Architecture: Start with a high-level architecture that outlines strategic goals and objectives. This serves as the foundation for further development.
  3. Iterate Through ADM Phases:
    • Phase A: Architecture Vision: Define the overarching vision and scope for the architecture.
    • Phase B: Business Architecture: Develop detailed business architecture that aligns with the strategic goals.
    • Phase C: Information Systems Architectures: Create data and application architectures that support the business architecture.
    • Phase D: Technology Architecture: Define the technology infrastructure needed to implement the architecture.
    • Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions: Identify potential projects and solutions to realize the architectures.
    • Phase F: Migration Planning: Develop plans for transitioning from the current state to the desired future state.
    • Phase G: Implementation Governance: Ensure that the implementation adheres to the defined architecture.
    • Phase H: Architecture Change Management: Manage ongoing changes and refinements as feedback is gathered.
  4. Gather Feedback and Refine: After completing each iteration, collect feedback from stakeholders to refine the architecture further. This iterative process ensures that the architecture remains aligned with organizational needs.
  5. Finalize the Architecture: Conclude the iteration by finalizing the architecture, incorporating all feedback and ensuring alignment across different levels.

2. Developing Architectures Through a Hierarchy of Concurrent ADM Processes


This strategy employs multiple, concurrent ADM processes operating at different levels of the architecture hierarchy. Each process focuses on a specific architecture segment while ensuring alignment with the broader architecture.

Steps to Implement

  1. Define the Governance Framework: Establish a governance structure that outlines how different architectures will interact and align with one another. This framework ensures that all levels support the overall strategic objectives.
  2. Segment the Architectures: Identify the different architecture levels required:
    • Strategic Architecture: Addresses overarching goals and provides direction.
    • Segment Architecture: Focuses on specific business areas or programs.
    • Capability Architecture: Concentrates on specific capabilities and their incremental development.
  3. Implement Concurrent ADM Processes:
    • Initiate separate ADM processes for each architectural level. Each team can work on its specific architecture while ensuring alignment with the governance framework.
    • Regularly synchronize efforts to ensure that insights and decisions made at one level inform and support the other levels.
  4. Cross-Level Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between teams working at different levels. Regular meetings and updates can help maintain alignment and address any dependencies or conflicts.
  5. Continuous Integration: As each architecture is developed, integrate them into a cohesive whole. Ensure that the strategic direction set by the high-level architecture is reflected in the segment and capability architectures.
  6. Monitor and Adjust: Establish a feedback loop to monitor the progress of each ADM process. Adjust plans and strategies as necessary to ensure that all architectures remain aligned with business goals.

Here’s a summary table for “Developing Enterprise Architecture Projects: Strategies for Different Levels”:

Strategy Description Steps Benefits
Iterations Within a Single ADM Cycle Develops architectures at different levels through iterative cycles of the ADM process. 1. Identify stakeholder needs

2. Establish baseline architecture

3. Iterate through ADM phases

4. Gather feedback<br>5. Finalize architecture

– Ensures continuous alignment

– Facilitates refinement based on feedback

Hierarchy of Concurrent ADM Processes Employs multiple concurrent ADM processes focused on different architecture levels. 1. Define governance framework

2. Segment architectures

3. Implement concurrent ADM processes

4. Cross-level collaboration

5. Monitor and adjust

– Promotes collaboration across level

– Ensures comprehensive alignment

This table summarizes the two strategies for developing enterprise architecture projects, outlining their descriptions, steps, and benefits for easy comparison.


Developing enterprise architecture projects requires a clear strategy to address the diverse needs of stakeholders at different levels. By employing either iterative cycles within a single ADM process or a hierarchy of concurrent ADM processes, organizations can effectively manage complexity and ensure alignment across architectures.

Both strategies offer unique advantages, and the choice between them will depend on the organization’s specific needs, governance structure, and the complexity of its architecture landscape. By following these guidelines, organizations can create robust and adaptable enterprise architectures that drive business success.

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