What is a Gap Analysis

A gap analysis is a tool used to compare the current state of a business or organization with its desired future state. It involves identifying the gap between where the organization currently stands and where it wants to be, in order to identify areas of improvement and develop strategies for closing the gap.

Gap analysis can be used by individuals, teams, or organizations to identify areas for improvement in a variety of contexts, such as:

  1. Business strategy: To identify gaps in the organization’s business strategy and align it with the overall goals of the business.
  2. Human resources: To identify gaps in employee knowledge, skills, and performance, and develop training programs to bridge these gaps.
  3. IT systems: To identify gaps in the organization’s IT infrastructure and systems, and develop plans to upgrade or replace them as needed.
  4. Regulatory compliance: To identify gaps in compliance with industry regulations or legal requirements, and develop plans to address these gaps.

In short, gap analysis is a useful tool for anyone looking to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for achieving their goals. It is particularly useful in situations where there is a gap between the current state and desired future state of an organization, process, or system.

Example of GAP Analysis for Different Use Cases

Here are some examples of how gap analysis can be used in each of the four areas I mentioned:

  1. Business strategy: Suppose a company wants to expand its market share in a particular region. They can conduct a gap analysis by comparing their current market share in that region to their desired future market share. By identifying the gap between the two, they can develop strategies for improving their marketing efforts, expanding their distribution network, and building stronger relationships with local customers.
  2. Human resources: Imagine a company has identified a skills gap among its employees in a particular department. They can conduct a gap analysis by comparing the current skills of their employees to the skills required for their roles. By identifying the skills gap, they can develop training programs to bridge the gap and improve employee performance.
  3. IT systems: Suppose a company is experiencing frequent downtime and slow response times with its current IT infrastructure. They can conduct a gap analysis by comparing their current infrastructure to industry best practices and identifying areas where their infrastructure falls short. By identifying the gaps, they can develop plans to upgrade their hardware, software, or network infrastructure to improve system performance and reliability.
  4. Regulatory compliance: Imagine a company is subject to a new regulatory requirement that they must comply with. They can conduct a gap analysis by comparing their current processes and procedures to the new regulatory requirements. By identifying any gaps, they can develop plans to update their processes, policies, or technology to meet the new regulatory requirements and avoid penalties or fines.

A Case Study: ABC Corp

The purpose of this gap analysis report is to identify and address the gaps in performance, capability, and resources that are hindering ABC Corp’s growth and competitiveness in the marketplace. By conducting a thorough analysis of ABC Corp’s business strategy, this report provides insights into the areas where the company is falling short and recommends a gap closure plan to help ABC Corp achieve its growth objectives. The report covers key areas such as product portfolio, customer engagement, and distribution network, and includes a summary table and gap closure plan to provide a clear roadmap for improvement. The use of ABC Corp as a case study was purely fictional and was used for the purpose of illustrating the gap analysis process. The example provided was not based on any real company or situation.

ABC Corp is a mid-sized manufacturing company that produces consumer electronics. The company has been facing increased competition from both domestic and international players in recent years, resulting in a decline in market share and revenue. To address this problem, the company’s senior management has decided to conduct a gap analysis to identify areas for improvement and develop a new business strategy.

The gap analysis will focus on three main areas: product portfolio, customer engagement, and distribution network. The company’s current product portfolio is limited, with most products targeting a narrow segment of the market. Additionally, the company has not been effective in engaging with customers through social media and other digital channels. Finally, the company’s distribution network is limited, with most products sold through traditional retail channels.

The gap analysis will involve comparing ABC Corp’s current performance in these areas to industry benchmarks and best practices. The company will collect data on key performance indicators (KPIs), such as revenue, market share, customer satisfaction, and distribution channel effectiveness. The company will also conduct surveys and focus groups with customers to understand their needs and preferences.

The results of the gap analysis will be used to develop a new business strategy for ABC Corp. This strategy will focus on expanding the company’s product portfolio to appeal to a wider range of customers, improving customer engagement through digital channels, and expanding the company’s distribution network to reach new markets.

The gap analysis will provide ABC Corp with a comprehensive understanding of its strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats in the market. By developing a new business strategy based on this analysis, ABC Corp can position itself for growth and success in the years ahead.

A Template for Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis Template

  1. Introduction
    • Purpose of the gap analysis
    • Scope of the analysis
    • Key stakeholders and team members
  2. Current State Assessment
    • Description of the current state of the organization, process, or system
    • Key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics
    • Strengths and weaknesses of the current state
  3. Future State Definition
    • Description of the desired future state of the organization, process, or system
    • Goals and objectives for the future state
    • Key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics for the future state
  4. Gap Identification
    • Comparison of the current state to the future state
    • Identification of gaps in performance, capability, or resources
    • Root cause analysis of the gaps
  5. Gap Prioritization
    • Ranking of the gaps based on their impact and urgency
    • Identification of quick wins and long-term initiatives
  6. Gap Closure Strategies
    • Description of strategies and actions needed to close the gaps
    • Resources required to implement the strategies
    • Timeline for implementation
  7. Monitoring and Control
    • Definition of performance metrics and KPIs to track progress
    • Monitoring and reporting mechanisms
    • Review and update frequency
  8. Conclusion
    • Summary of the gap analysis process
    • Key findings and recommendations
    • Next steps and follow-up actions

This template can be customized to fit the specific needs of the organization, process, or system being analyzed. It provides a structured framework for documenting the gap analysis process, from current state assessment to gap identification, prioritization, closure, and monitoring.


Case Study – Continue

here’s an example of a gap analysis document based on the template I suggested earlier:

Gap Analysis Document for ABC Corp

  1. Introduction
    • Purpose of the gap analysis: To identify areas for improvement and develop a new business strategy for ABC Corp
    • Scope of the analysis: Product portfolio, customer engagement, and distribution network
    • Key stakeholders and team members: Senior management, marketing team, sales team, and customer insights team
  2. Current State Assessment
    • Description of the current state of the organization, process, or system:
      • Product portfolio: Limited, targeting a narrow segment of the market
      • Customer engagement: Ineffective, with limited use of digital channels
      • Distribution network: Limited, with most products sold through traditional retail channels
    • Key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics:
      • Product portfolio: Revenue by product, market share by product
      • Customer engagement: Customer satisfaction, social media engagement
      • Distribution network: Number of retail outlets, sales by distribution channel
    • Strengths and weaknesses of the current state:
      • Product portfolio: Strong reputation for quality, but limited product range
      • Customer engagement: Strong in-person relationships with some customers, but ineffective use of digital channels
      • Distribution network: Strong relationships with existing retail partners, but limited reach into new markets
  3. Future State Definition
    • Description of the desired future state of the organization, process, or system:
      • Product portfolio: Expanded to appeal to a wider range of customers, with new product lines and features
      • Customer engagement: Improved through effective use of digital channels, including social media and email marketing
      • Distribution network: Expanded to reach new markets and customers, through partnerships with online retailers and other distribution channels
    • Goals and objectives for the future state:
      • Product portfolio: Increase revenue and market share by expanding product range and targeting new customer segments
      • Customer engagement: Improve customer satisfaction and brand loyalty by delivering a seamless and personalized customer experience across all channels
      • Distribution network: Increase sales and revenue by expanding reach into new markets and customer segments
    • Key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics for the future state:
      • Product portfolio: Revenue by product line, market share by product line
      • Customer engagement: Customer satisfaction, social media engagement, email open and click-through rates
      • Distribution network: Sales by distribution channel, number of new retail partners and distribution channels
  4. Gap Identification
    • Comparison of the current state to the future state:
      • Product portfolio: Limited product range, targeting a narrow segment of the market, compared to expanded product range targeting a wider range of customers
      • Customer engagement: Ineffective use of digital channels, compared to effective use of digital channels to deliver a seamless and personalized customer experience
      • Distribution network: Limited reach into new markets and customer segments, compared to expanded reach through partnerships with online retailers and other distribution channels
    • Identification of gaps in performance, capability, or resources:
      • Product portfolio: Lack of expertise and resources to develop new product lines and features
      • Customer engagement: Limited knowledge and expertise in digital marketing and data analytics
      • Distribution network: Limited partnerships and resources to expand reach into new markets and customer segments
    • Root cause analysis of the gaps:
      • Product portfolio: Lack of investment in product development and innovation
      • Customer engagement: Inadequate training and resources for digital marketing and data analytics
      • Distribution network: Limited resources and focus on expanding partnerships and distribution channels
  5. Gap Prioritization
    • Ranking of the gaps based on their impact and urgency:
      • Product portfolio: High impact, medium urgency
      • Customer engagement: High impact, high urgency
      • Distribution network: Medium impact, high urgency
      • Justification for the ranking:
        • Product portfolio: Expanding the product range is critical to reaching new customer segments and increasing revenue, but may take time and resources to develop.
        • Customer engagement: Improving digital engagement is essential to staying competitive in the marketplace and meeting customer expectations, and has a high sense of urgency.
        • Distribution network: Expanding the distribution network is important, but may not have an immediate impact on revenue, hence has medium impact.
  6. Gap Closure Plan
    • Description of the actions needed to close the gaps identified in the analysis:
      • Product portfolio: Invest in research and development to expand product range, acquire or partner with experts in new product development, and conduct market research to identify new customer segments and opportunities.
      • Customer engagement: Hire or train experts in digital marketing and data analytics, implement new technologies to improve customer engagement across all channels, and develop personalized marketing campaigns.
      • Distribution network: Develop partnerships with online retailers and other distribution channels, expand physical retail presence in new markets, and invest in logistics and supply chain management to support new channels.
    • Timeline and milestones for each action:
      • Product portfolio: Conduct market research and identify new product opportunities (Q1), acquire or partner with new product development experts (Q2-Q3), develop new product lines and features (Q4-Q5).
      • Customer engagement: Hire or train digital marketing and data analytics experts (Q1-Q2), implement new technologies to improve engagement (Q2-Q3), develop personalized marketing campaigns (Q3-Q4).
      • Distribution network: Identify potential partners and channels (Q1), establish partnerships and expand retail presence (Q2-Q3), invest in logistics and supply chain management (Q4).
    • Resource requirements for each action:
      • Product portfolio: Research and development budget, investment in new product development expertise, additional staff resources.
      • Customer engagement: Budget for technology and software, investment in training and hiring new staff, additional staff resources.
      • Distribution network: Investment in partnerships and logistics infrastructure, additional staff resources.
    • Risk assessment for each action:
      • Product portfolio: Risk of developing products that do not meet customer needs or fail in the market.
      • Customer engagement: Risk of implementing technologies that do not improve customer engagement or damage brand reputation.
      • Distribution network: Risk of investing in partnerships that do not generate significant revenue or expansion costs that outweigh benefits.
  7. Conclusion
    • Summary of the key findings and recommendations:
      • ABC Corp needs to expand its product range, improve digital customer engagement, and expand its distribution network to reach new markets and customer segments.
      • The gap analysis has identified the gaps in performance, capability, or resources that need to be addressed to achieve the desired future state.
      • The gap closure plan outlines the actions needed to close the gaps, along with the timeline, resource requirements, and risk assessment for each action.
  8. Next Steps
    • Assign responsibilities and accountabilities for executing the gap closure plan.
    • Monitor progress against the timeline and milestones.
    • Conduct regular reviews and adjust the plan as needed to ensure alignment with business goals and changing market conditions.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of the gap closure plan and identify opportunities for continuous improvement.
  9. References
    • List any sources of information used in the analysis, such as market research reports, industry publications, and internal data sources.
  10. Appendix
  • Include any additional information, data, or analysis that supports the findings and recommendations of the gap analysis.

Overall, the gap analysis has helped ABC Corp identify the gaps in its business strategy and develop a plan to address them. By expanding its product range, improving digital customer engagement, and expanding its distribution network, ABC Corp can achieve its growth objectives and stay competitive in the marketplace.

Summarize The Finding

Area of Gap Performance/Capability/Resource Gap Impact Urgency Justification
Product Portfolio Limited product range High Medium Expanding product range is critical to reaching new customer segments and increasing revenue, but may take time and resources to develop.
Customer Engagement Poor digital engagement High High Improving digital engagement is essential to staying competitive in the marketplace and meeting customer expectations, and has a high sense of urgency.
Distribution Network Limited distribution channels Medium High Expanding the distribution network is important, but may not have an immediate impact on revenue, hence has medium impact.

Note that this is just an example and the actual content and format of the summary table may vary depending on the specific needs of the business and the gap analysis.


ABC Corp is facing significant challenges in expanding its business and staying competitive in the marketplace due to gaps in its performance, capability, and resources. The gap analysis has identified key areas of improvement, including expanding the product range, improving digital customer engagement, and expanding the distribution network. The gap closure plan outlines specific actions and timelines to address these gaps, along with resource requirements and risk assessments. By implementing this plan, ABC Corp can achieve its growth objectives and stay ahead of the competition in the ever-evolving business landscape.

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