
As-is/to-be analysis constitutes a foundational and indispensable technique within the realm of business process improvement (BPI). Its primary purpose is to meticulously scrutinize, evaluate, and enhance existing business processes, thereby fostering enhanced operational efficiency and productivity. Comprising two pivotal phases, “as-is” and “to-be,” this analytical framework plays an instrumental role in the systematic execution of BPI initiatives. Through these distinct phases, organizations embark on a journey of self-examination and transformation, with the overarching objective of pinpointing areas ripe for enhancement and crafting a blueprint for more streamlined and effective future process states.

What is As-is / To-be Analysis

  1. As-Is Analysis:
    • The “as-is” phase involves thoroughly documenting and analyzing the current state of a business process. This step aims to provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of how the process currently operates.
    • Key activities in this phase include:
      • Process Mapping: Creating detailed flowcharts or diagrams that illustrate the step-by-step sequence of activities in the current process.
      • Data Collection: Gathering data on process metrics, such as cycle times, error rates, and resource utilization.
      • Stakeholder Interviews: Speaking with individuals involved in the process to gather insights and identify pain points.
      • Identifying Bottlenecks and Inefficiencies: Pinpointing areas where the process may be slow, error-prone, or resource-intensive.
  2. To-Be Analysis:
    • The “to-be” phase is where organizations envision and design an improved or optimized version of the process. This phase is forward-looking and focuses on creating a future state that addresses the issues and inefficiencies identified in the “as-is” analysis.
    • Key activities in this phase include:
      • Redesigning the Process: Developing a new process flow that eliminates bottlenecks, reduces errors, and improves efficiency.
      • Defining Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly outlining who does what in the new process and ensuring that roles are well-defined and efficient.
      • Selecting Tools and Technology: Determining if new technologies or tools can be integrated to enhance the process.
      • Setting Performance Metrics: Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of the new process.

How it relates to Business Process Improvement (BPI):

  • As-is/to-be analysis is a foundational component of BPI. Here’s how it relates to the broader BPI process:
  1. Identification of Improvement Opportunities: The as-is analysis helps identify areas in the current process that need improvement. By analyzing the existing process thoroughly, organizations can pinpoint inefficiencies, redundancies, and bottlenecks.
  2. Designing Efficient Processes: The to-be analysis involves creating a future state that is more efficient, streamlined, and aligned with organizational goals. It’s the stage where innovative solutions are developed to address the identified issues.
  3. Change Management: Implementing the “to-be” process often requires changes in roles, responsibilities, and technology. Change management strategies are developed during the “to-be” phase to ensure a smooth transition from the old process to the new one.
  4. Continuous Improvement: BPI is an iterative process. Once the new process is implemented, organizations continue to monitor and measure its performance. If further improvements are needed, the cycle begins again with another as-is/to-be analysis.

In summary, as-is/to-be analysis is a critical methodology within business process improvement that helps organizations assess their current processes and design more efficient and effective future states. It’s a structured approach to identify and implement positive changes in business operations.

Case Study on As-is / To-be Analysis

Title: Streamlining the Employee Onboarding Process

Problem Statement: ABC Company is facing significant challenges with its current employee onboarding process. The existing process is time-consuming, error-prone, and lacks efficiency, leading to delays in getting new employees up to speed and impacting overall productivity. In order to address these issues and optimize the employee onboarding experience, the company has initiated a business process improvement project to transition from the “As-Is” to the “To-Be” state.

As-Is Process Description: The current employee onboarding process involves multiple manual steps, including:

  1. HR initiates the onboarding process by sending out paperwork via email.
  2. New employees fill out physical forms and return them to HR.
  3. HR manually enters the data from forms into the HRIS (Human Resources Information System).
  4. IT provisions access to necessary systems and tools based on the information provided.
  5. Training and orientation sessions are scheduled manually.
  6. Various departments provide ad-hoc guidance and support to new employees, creating inconsistency in the onboarding experience.
  7. Feedback and evaluation of the process are infrequent and not structured.

Issues with the As-Is Process:

  • High administrative burden on HR due to manual data entry.
  • Lengthy onboarding period leading to decreased employee engagement.
  • Inconsistent experiences for new employees.
  • Risk of errors in data entry and compliance documentation.
  • Lack of real-time tracking and reporting on onboarding progress.

To-Be Process Goals: The goal of the business process improvement project is to create a streamlined, efficient, and employee-centric onboarding process. The “To-Be” process aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Reduce the onboarding timeline by 50% to improve employee productivity.
  2. Eliminate manual data entry by automating form submissions and data integration.
  3. Standardize the onboarding experience to ensure consistency.
  4. Enhance data accuracy and compliance with automated validation checks.
  5. Implement a centralized onboarding portal for real-time tracking and reporting.
  6. Enable self-service for new employees to access information and resources.
  7. Establish regular feedback mechanisms for continuous improvement.

Key Tasks for As-Is/To-Be Analysis:

  1. Conduct a detailed analysis of the current “As-Is” onboarding process.
  2. Identify bottlenecks, pain points, and areas of improvement.
  3. Engage stakeholders from HR, IT, departments, and new employees for feedback.
  4. Design the desired “To-Be” onboarding process, incorporating automation and best practices.
  5. Develop an implementation plan with milestones and timelines.
  6. Estimate costs and resources required for the transition.
  7. Create a change management strategy to ensure a smooth transition.
  8. Monitor and measure the effectiveness of the “To-Be” process after implementation.

By addressing these issues and implementing the “To-Be” process, ABC Company aims to optimize its employee onboarding experience, enhance efficiency, and ultimately improve overall organizational productivity.

Summarizing Finding of the As-is Scenario

Creating a textual representation of an As-Is process table based on the problem description provided:

Step Description of Step Responsible Party Input Output Issues/Challenges
1 HR initiates onboarding HR New employee details Onboarding paperwork sent via email Manual process, potential delays
2 New employee fills out forms New employee Onboarding forms Completed forms Physical forms, data entry required
3 HR manually enters data HR Completed forms Data entered into HRIS Error-prone, time-consuming
4 IT provisions access to systems IT HR-provided employee details User access to necessary systems/tools Manual provisioning
5 Schedule training and orientation HR/Department heads New employee details Training/orientation schedule Manual scheduling, inconsistencies
6 Ad-hoc support and guidance Various departments N/A Informal guidance and support Lack of standardized support
7 Feedback and evaluation HR Employee feedback and process evaluation Periodic feedback and improvement efforts Infrequent and unstructured feedback

This table outlines the current “As-Is” employee onboarding process, including the steps involved, responsible parties, inputs, outputs, and key issues or challenges associated with each step. This serves as a basis for analyzing and improving the process for the “To-Be” state.

Representing As-is Scenario with a Sequence Diagram

Summarizing Finding of the To-Be Scenario

Creating a textual representation of a “To-Be” process table based on the problem description provided:

Step Description of Step Responsible Party Input Output Improvements/Changes
1 Employee initiates onboarding New employee Onboarding portal Confirmation of initiation Shift initiation responsibility to employees, self-service
2 Automated form submission System New employee details Completed forms automatically integrated Eliminate manual form filling
3 Data integration and validation System Completed forms Accurate employee data in HRIS Eliminate manual data entry
4 Automated system access provisioning IT HRIS data User access to necessary systems/tools Streamline and automate provisioning
5 Standardized training and orientation HR/Department heads Employee details Scheduled and standardized sessions Consistent scheduling and content
6 Structured support and guidance Various departments N/A Formalized support and guidance Consistency and clear guidance
7 Continuous feedback and improvement HR Employee feedback and process evaluation Ongoing process enhancements Regular feedback and improvement

This table outlines the desired “To-Be” employee onboarding process, including the steps involved, responsible parties, inputs, outputs, and key improvements or changes compared to the current “As-Is” process. The “To-Be” process focuses on automation, standardization, self-service, and continuous improvement to address the identified issues and challenges.

Representing To-be Scenario with a Sequence Diagram

Creating Implementation Plan

Creating an implementation plan for the “To-Be” employee onboarding process that should be completed within three months:

Implementation Plan for Optimized Employee Onboarding Process

Objective: Streamline and optimize the employee onboarding process, transitioning from the “As-Is” to the “To-Be” state within three months to improve efficiency, consistency, and employee satisfaction.

Month 1: Analysis and Planning (Weeks 1-4)

  1. Week 1-2: Project Kickoff and Team Formation
    • Identify project team members, including representatives from HR, IT, and relevant departments.
    • Conduct a project kickoff meeting to communicate objectives, expectations, and timelines.
  2. Week 3: As-Is Process Analysis
    • Document the current “As-Is” employee onboarding process in detail.
    • Identify key pain points, bottlenecks, and areas for improvement.
  3. Week 4: Stakeholder Engagement and Feedback
    • Gather feedback from stakeholders, including HR, IT, department heads, and potential new employees.
    • Use feedback to refine the “To-Be” process design.

Month 2: Process Design and Development (Weeks 5-8)

  1. Week 5: Design the “To-Be” Process
    • Develop a detailed plan for the “To-Be” employee onboarding process, incorporating automation and best practices.
    • Define roles and responsibilities in the new process.
  2. Week 6-7: System Development and Integration
    • Develop and test the necessary systems and automation tools for form submission, data integration, and provisioning access.
    • Ensure data accuracy and security in the new system.
  3. Week 8: Communication and Training
    • Develop a communication plan for informing employees and stakeholders about the upcoming changes.
    • Begin training sessions for HR, IT, and relevant personnel on the new process and tools.

Month 3: Implementation and Monitoring (Weeks 9-12)

  1. Week 9: Pilot Testing
    • Conduct a pilot test of the “To-Be” process with a small group of new employees.
    • Gather feedback and make necessary adjustments.
  2. Week 10-11: Full Implementation
    • Roll out the new employee onboarding process to the entire organization.
    • Monitor the transition closely and provide support as needed.
  3. Week 12: Performance Monitoring and Feedback
    • Implement a system for continuous monitoring and reporting on the new process.
    • Gather feedback from both employees and stakeholders for improvements.

Post-Implementation (Ongoing)

  1. Months 4 and Beyond: Continuous Improvement
    • Establish a regular feedback loop to identify and address any issues or bottlenecks in the “To-Be” process.
    • Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as onboarding time, data accuracy, and employee satisfaction.
    • Make continuous improvements based on feedback and data analysis.


This three-month implementation plan outlines the key activities and timelines for transitioning from the “As-Is” to the “To-Be” employee onboarding process. Regular communication, feedback, and monitoring are essential to ensure a smooth transition and ongoing process optimization.




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