Welcome to our page about Fact Model, a powerful tool for businesses and organizations looking to solve complex problems. Here, we will explain what a fact model is, provide a detailed history, discuss why fact models are important, and show you how to create a fact model using Visual Paradigm.

Understanding Fact Model

What is Fact Model?

A fact model is a diagrammatic representation of the business domain, which captures the relevant information about the business and the relationships between those pieces of information. The goal of a fact model is to provide a clear and concise representation of the business domain, which can be used to solve complex problems, improve business processes, and communicate with stakeholders.

Brief History of Fact Model and Fact-Based Modeling

Fact modeling was first introduced in the 1970s by Professor Terry Halpin. Since then, it has been used extensively in business modeling and enterprise architecture. Fact modeling is a fundamental part of Object Role Modeling (ORM), which is an approach to database modeling that emphasizes the importance of business concepts over technical details.

How to create a Fact Model?

To create a fact model, you start by identifying the relevant business concepts and representing them as objects. You then define the relationships between those objects as fact types, which capture the ways in which the business concepts are related to one another. Fact types can also include constraints, which capture the business rules that govern the relationships between the objects.

Benefits of creating Fact Model (With Examples)

By creating a fact model, you can gain a better understanding of the business domain and the relationships between the various business concepts. This can help you to solve complex problems, such as optimizing business processes, identifying areas for improvement, and designing new systems or processes. Fact models are also useful for communicating with stakeholders, as they provide a visual representation of the business domain that is easy to understand.

Logistic Company Illustration

For example, imagine that you work for a logistics company that is struggling with a high rate of order returns. By creating a fact model, you can identify the various factors that contribute to the high rate of returns, such as incorrect shipping addresses, damaged packages, and missing items. You can then use this information to design new processes and systems that address these issues, ultimately reducing the rate of returns and improving customer satisfaction.

How to Create Fact Model with Visual Paradigm

Visual Paradigm is a visual modeling software that provides a powerful Fact Model editor. To create a fact model with Visual Paradigm, follow these steps:

  1. Open Visual Paradigm and create a new Fact Model Diagram.
  2. Add objects to the diagram by dragging and dropping them from the diagram palette.
  3. Connect the objects with relationships to create fact types.
  4. Add constraints to the fact types to capture the business rules.
  5. Validate the fact model to ensure that it is consistent and complete.

You can also export the fact model as a document or image to share with stakeholders.

Learn more about Visual Paradigm: https://www.visual-paradigm.com/


Fact modeling is a powerful tool for businesses and organizations looking to solve complex problems. By creating a fact model, you can capture the relevant information about your business domain and use it to improve your business processes. With Visual Paradigm, creating a fact model is easy and intuitive, allowing you to focus on solving the problem at hand.

List of References

  1. Halpin, T. A. (2010). Information modeling and relational databases: From conceptual analysis to logical design. Morgan Kaufmann.
  2. Visual Paradigm.. Fact Modeling with Visual Paradigm. Retrieved from https://www.visual-paradigm.com/guide/fact-modeling/what-is-fact-modeling/

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