In today’s rapidly changing business environment, digital transformation has become a key imperative for organizations looking to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs and expectations of customers. One area where digital transformation is particularly critical is retail, where customer expectations for seamless, personalized, and convenient experiences have never been higher.

In this context, a retail store is facing a range of operational inefficiencies and customer dissatisfaction due to outdated technology and ineffective customer service processes. This has led to a need for a comprehensive digital transformation strategy to address the root causes and improve the store’s overall effectiveness.

Problem Scenario

Enterprise Architecture for a Retail Company

A large retail company, ABC Retail, has been experiencing challenges in adapting to changes in the market and customer needs. To address these issues, the company has decided to develop an Enterprise Architecture (EA) framework that will help them align their business strategy, technology, and operations. As an EA consultant, you have been hired to lead this project.

Agile Development Phases

Phase 1: Understanding the Business

The first phase of the project will involve understanding ABC Retail’s business goals, objectives, and operations. This will include:

  • Conducting interviews with key stakeholders to understand their perspectives on the business and its challenges.
  • Analyzing the company’s existing business processes, systems, and IT infrastructure.
  • Reviewing the company’s strategic plans, financial reports, and other relevant documents.

The output of this phase will be a report that outlines the current state of the business and identifies key areas for improvement.

Phase 2: Developing the EA Framework

In the second phase of the project, you will work with the ABC Retail team to develop the EA framework. This will involve:

  • Identifying the key business capabilities that are critical to achieving the company’s strategic goals.
  • Developing a target state architecture that aligns with the company’s strategic objectives.
  • Creating an EA roadmap that outlines the steps needed to transition from the current state to the target state.
  • Developing an EA governance model that defines the roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes for managing the EA framework.

The output of this phase will be a comprehensive EA framework document that includes the target state architecture, EA roadmap, and governance model.

Phase 3: Implementation and Execution

The final phase of the project will involve implementing and executing the EA framework. This will include:

  • Working with the ABC Retail team to develop a detailed implementation plan that outlines the specific actions needed to transition to the target state architecture.
  • Providing guidance and support to the team as they execute the plan.
  • Monitoring progress and making adjustments as needed to ensure that the EA framework is achieving its intended outcomes.

The output of this phase will be a fully implemented EA framework that has been integrated into the company’s operations and IT infrastructure.

Overall, this EA project will help ABC Retail achieve greater agility and alignment between its business strategy, technology, and operations, and position the company for long-term success in a rapidly changing market.

How to Use As-is and To-be Approach for Agile EA Projects

As-Is Plan:

Currently, ABC Retail is facing a number of challenges related to their business operations and IT infrastructure. Business processes are inefficient and time-consuming, leading to delays and errors. There are silos between departments, which hinders collaboration and slows down decision-making. IT infrastructure is outdated and doesn’t integrate well with each other. There is no central repository for data, leading to duplication and errors. Governance is ad-hoc and lacks consistency, and there is no formal EA governance structure in place. Decision-making is made on a case-by-case basis, without a defined decision-making process. Finally, the culture of the organization is resistant to change, and innovation is not valued.

To-Be Plan:

To address these challenges, ABC Retail will implement an EA framework that aligns their business strategy, technology, and operations. Business processes will be streamlined and made more efficient and agile, with cross-functional teams that work collaboratively towards common goals. IT infrastructure will be modernized and integrated, supporting business agility. A centralized data platform will be implemented to enable data-driven decision-making. A clearly defined EA governance structure will be established that aligns with business objectives, with a defined decision-making process that enables effective governance. The culture of the organization will be transformed to embrace change and innovation, and value collaboration and agility. By implementing this To-Be plan, ABC Retail will be able to achieve greater alignment between their business strategy, technology, and operations, and position themselves for long-term success in a rapidly changing market.

Formulate an Action Plan

Here’s an example action plan for implementing the EA framework for ABC Retail:

Objective: Implement an EA framework that aligns ABC Retail’s business strategy, technology, and operations to achieve greater agility and long-term success.

  1. Phase 1: Understanding the Business
  • Identify key stakeholders and schedule interviews to understand their perspectives on the business and its challenges.
  • Analyze the company’s existing business processes, systems, and IT infrastructure.
  • Review the company’s strategic plans, financial reports, and other relevant documents.
  • Develop a report that outlines the current state of the business and identifies key areas for improvement.
  1. Phase 2: Developing the EA Framework
  • Identify the key business capabilities that are critical to achieving the company’s strategic goals.
  • Develop a target state architecture that aligns with the company’s strategic objectives.
  • Create an EA roadmap that outlines the steps needed to transition from the current state to the target state.
  • Develop an EA governance model that defines the roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes for managing the EA framework.
  • Socialize the EA framework with key stakeholders to gather feedback and buy-in.
  1. Phase 3: Implementation and Execution
  • Work with the ABC Retail team to develop a detailed implementation plan that outlines the specific actions needed to transition to the target state architecture.
  • Provide guidance and support to the team as they execute the plan.
  • Monitor progress and make adjustments as needed to ensure that the EA framework is achieving its intended outcomes.
  • Review and update the EA framework regularly to ensure that it remains aligned with the company’s strategic objectives and evolving business needs.
  1. Phase 4: Communication and Training
  • Develop and execute a communication plan to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the EA framework and its benefits.
  • Develop and execute a training plan to ensure that all relevant employees have the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively implement and use the EA framework.
  1. Evaluation
  • Establish metrics and KPIs to measure the success of the EA framework implementation.
  • Conduct regular evaluations to measure progress towards goals and identify areas for improvement.
  • Use evaluation results to make adjustments and continuously improve the EA framework.

By following this action plan, ABC Retail can successfully implement an EA framework that aligns their business strategy, technology, and operations and positions them for long-term success.

Create the Implementation Plan for the EA Project

here’s an example implementation plan based on the As-Is and To-Be plan for ABC Retail:

Objective: Implement an EA framework that aligns ABC Retail’s business strategy, technology, and operations to achieve greater agility and long-term success.

Phase 1: Understanding the Business

Timeline: 2-4 weeks

  • Identify key stakeholders and schedule interviews to understand their perspectives on the business and its challenges.
  • Analyze the company’s existing business processes, systems, and IT infrastructure.
  • Review the company’s strategic plans, financial reports, and other relevant documents.
  • Develop a report that outlines the current state of the business and identifies key areas for improvement.


  • Stakeholder interviews and analysis report
  • Current state analysis report
  • Key areas for improvement report

Phase 2: Developing the EA Framework

Timeline: 8-12 weeks

  • Identify the key business capabilities that are critical to achieving the company’s strategic goals.
  • Develop a target state architecture that aligns with the company’s strategic objectives.
  • Create an EA roadmap that outlines the steps needed to transition from the current state to the target state.
  • Develop an EA governance model that defines the roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes for managing the EA framework.
  • Socialize the EA framework with key stakeholders to gather feedback and buy-in.


  • Business capability assessment report
  • Target state architecture report
  • EA roadmap report
  • EA governance model report
  • Stakeholder feedback report

Phase 3: Implementation and Execution

Timeline: 6-12 months

  • Work with the ABC Retail team to develop a detailed implementation plan that outlines the specific actions needed to transition to the target state architecture.
  • Provide guidance and support to the team as they execute the plan.
  • Monitor progress and make adjustments as needed to ensure that the EA framework is achieving its intended outcomes.
  • Review and update the EA framework regularly to ensure that it remains aligned with the company’s strategic objectives and evolving business needs.


  • Implementation plan report
  • Progress reports and adjustment recommendations
  • Updated EA framework reports

Phase 4: Communication and Training

Timeline: 1-2 months

  • Develop and execute a communication plan to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the EA framework and its benefits.
  • Develop and execute a training plan to ensure that all relevant employees have the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively implement and use the EA framework.


  • Communication plan report
  • Training plan report
  • Training materials and communication deliverables

Phase 5: Evaluation

Timeline: Ongoing

  • Establish metrics and KPIs to measure the success of the EA framework implementation.
  • Conduct regular evaluations to measure progress towards goals and identify areas for improvement.
  • Use evaluation results to make adjustments and continuously improve the EA framework.


  • Evaluation plan report
  • Evaluation reports and improvement recommendations

By following this implementation plan, ABC Retail can successfully implement an EA framework that aligns their business strategy, technology, and operations and positions them for long-term success.


What is the Finding

Project: Digital Transformation of a Retail Store

Objective: To improve the customer experience and optimize operations through the implementation of digital technologies in a retail store.


  1. Stakeholder Interviews and Analysis Report

The Stakeholder Interviews and Analysis Report summarizes the perspectives and feedback gathered from key stakeholders within the retail store, including store managers, sales associates, and customers. The report includes an analysis of the feedback and insights gathered from the stakeholder interviews, highlighting common themes and pain points.

  1. Current State Analysis Report

The Current State Analysis Report summarizes the documentation and data gathered related to the store’s existing business processes, systems, and IT infrastructure. The report includes an analysis of the findings to gain an understanding of how the store currently operates, including inventory management, sales tracking, and customer service processes.

  1. Key Areas for Improvement Report

The Key Areas for Improvement Report summarizes the key findings and insights gathered from the stakeholder interviews, current state analysis, and benchmarking against industry best practices. The report outlines the current state of the store’s operations and identifies key areas for improvement, including the implementation of digital technologies such as mobile point-of-sale systems, RFID inventory tracking, and online ordering systems. The report also includes recommendations for addressing the identified issues and achieving the desired outcomes of the project.

By completing these deliverables, the project team will have a better understanding of the store’s current state of operations and the key areas for improvement. This will inform the development of a comprehensive digital transformation strategy and roadmap for the store, aimed at improving the customer experience, optimizing operations, and driving growth.


The retail industry is experiencing a major shift towards digital transformation, as customers increasingly demand seamless, personalized, and convenient experiences. In this context, a retail store is facing operational inefficiencies and customer dissatisfaction due to outdated technology and ineffective customer service processes. This has led to a need for a comprehensive digital transformation strategy to address the root causes and improve the store’s overall effectiveness.

The proposed digital transformation strategy includes the implementation of a new POS system and modern inventory management system, optimization of the store’s online and social media presence, and training for staff to improve customer service processes. Through these initiatives, the retail store aims to improve its competitiveness and profitability, while also meeting the evolving needs and expectations of its customers.


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